This week

This week I:

1. burned chocolate chip cookies to a blackened crisp while I was taking a shower;

2. cleaned up coffee which I spilt in the aisle at Wal-mart;

3. watched J. Ross put his face in the water for the first time, (and like it). This is now a new thing...every time he does it, I watch and act equally as amazed I was the first time he did it...."Mommy, was that amazing??" YES!!!!

4. confirmed that my 8th grade P.E. teacher was correct in saying that I look like Olive Oil when I run (when I saw these pictures taken by my friend at our softball game).

6. bought lots of fruit at the grocery store, under the impression that if I feed my children more often, they won't fight as much?

7. waited out a storm at an old friend's house.

8.  had mine and my husband's way into Silver Dollar City paid for completely by a total stranger.

8.  cleaned my kitchen approximately 1237 times.  :)

Click here to see more pics from our trip to Branson!

imovie compilation

Okay, so yesterday, I had some fun on imovie. I didn't spend a ton of time on the timing and transitions...just wanted to post this! The dance moves you see in this video were choreographed completely by Anna and J. Ross. :) Enjoy!

Northwest Arkansas Sky

This is the sky that had a lot of people in the neighborhood talking tonight.  Ahhh!  So beautiful!  I've never seen the sky that color, and maybe I never will again!  We weren't the only ones outside with our camera!  Luckily, my friends were here to take the photo above!  Thanks Carma and Holly!   

That is the question that Josh and I have been asking our daughter the past couple of nights.  Let me explain...During the school year, bedtime routine is just that-a routine.  Dinner, bath, story, bed.  Let me be more clear.   Dinner, bath..then, one, or both of us reads a story to one or both of the kids, in either of their two rooms (never the same)...They both ALWAYS say they want Papi to lay with them, (not me), so he does, just for about 5 minutes each (ahem...).  Then, J. Ross will inevitably pay us a visit downstairs, in which he looks irresistibly adorable and charming.  Many of you have witnessed this irresistible charmingness.  Please vouch for me!   I somehow, in my zombie-like state, end up putting J. Ross to bed as well.  Mind you, at this point, our daughter is snoozing away, tucked underneath her hot pink bedspread.  I don't know why we ever really "lay" with J. Ross.  He never, I repeat, NEVER, falls asleep while we're in there, and has been known to stay awake hours (yes, I am admitting that!) after the bedtime routine began...Until... "this summer."  Okay, I know we have only had, like, one or two nights of official summer vacation.  All I am saying is, the past two nights, we have followed this bedtime routine as mentioned above, and my son fell asleep within 3 minutes of me "laying" with him.  The weird part is, the roles have reversed.  Anna, who we could always count on to go to bed at the appropriate time, is now the one staying up late and sneaking downstairs to tell us she loves us, etc. etc.  So, here's to, a new routine, more time with the kids, a cleaner house, and all the things that make summer fabulous!  Apparently, I'm not too great at posting during the school year; however, I absolutely love chronicling our summers with photos and memorable stories.  The photo below was taken at a birthday party for J. Ross and his three buddies.  These boys have been in the same class at school since they were one year old, and their birthdays range from May 29th to June 17th.  They are quite the crew.