Are you happy to me?

As much as I want my son to learn proper grammar, I just don't know if I'm ready to let go of one of his favorite questions. First of all, I've actually thought about this. What would be a better way to say, "Are you happy to me?" Some alternatives might work: Are you happy with me? Or, do you love me? Are you pleased with the thing I just did? No. I don't think any of these convey what J. Ross means. His choice of words is simple, and I understand exactly what he is asking me. In fact, Josh and I have started talking this way. You know, I let you sleep in this morning - are you happy to me? I made coffee this morning - are you happy to me? So, if anybody has any ideas of a better way for us to speak, I am open to suggestions. As for now, however, I will stick with being happy to J. Ross.

P.S. I am trying to figure out how to link to a flickr slideshow of our trip to Eureka Springs. Until then, here are some pictures taken on the property where we stayed.


Jana said...

Hi Kerri! Thanks for commenting on our blog, and for your prayers. Of course I have heard of you guys from Michael. Your children are awfully sweet-looking. :)

We were at a conference for classical Christian schools this past weekend. :)


Wednesday, July 02, 2008  

Your mom told us last night that you had a blog. So I am reading it at 6:04 am--are you happy to me???

Thursday, July 17, 2008