Originally uploaded by kerri318
We can't remember who gave us this silver globe paperweight, but we sure do like it! Behind the globe is a picture of Beda Guadalupe. The picture is stuck to the glass in that frame, so we will never take her out, and why would we want to? I will never forget her. When we worked for Joshua Expeditions in Costa Rica, we frequently worked in a Nicaraguan squatter's village called La Carpio. Often, Beda Guadalupe and her brother would stand on something in their yard and watch us as we walked by her home. One day, I asked her name. Beda Guadalupe!!!! she would tell me confidently. Beda Guadalupe? No. Beda Guadalupe!!!!! she would tell me even more emphatically. OH! Beda Guadalupe. NO. BEDA. Beda? No. I never could get her name right. But, for the record, when I introduced her to Josh, he couldn't get it right either, so I'm pretty sure it's Beda Guadalupe. :)
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