Noodles, Green Beans, and Salad

Last night at dinner, J. Ross volunteered to pray before dinner. First he thanked God for Papi and for the noodles, green beans, and salad. Then, he thanked God for J. Ross and the noodles, and green beans, and salad (in third person). Then, he thanked God for Mommy and the noodles, and green beans, and salad...and so on...around the table (all the while looking up at each person's plate to make sure he covered everything). I am pretty sure he also thanked God for the noodles, green, beans and salad as a whole. Our food was very well blessed last night.

P.S. Later on at the dinner table he asked Papi, what's your name? Papi, Josh said. Papi Packwood, J. Ross renamed him. Then, he looked at me...and you're Mommy Packwood!


Julie said...

That is soooo funny! I can picture him looking up during prayer time to make sure he covered all bases. lol
Cute J Ross! Dani still looks at the pic of the three of them and says their names. I'm so proud. :o)

Wednesday, September 03, 2008